What is Crypto-art? Crypto-art is created and distributed by Austin, TX based Crypto-art Publishers. Crypto-art helps people understand, enjoy, and collect digital currencies. Crypto-art has gained notable attention and an international collector base. Highlights include The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, front page of the Houston Chronicle's business section, and a segment on RAI5 Italian television covering art and money. Crypto-art was used as a teaching aid in the Canadian senate hearings on cryptocurrency. Collectors include Charlie Lee, Shape-shift, and a piece even hangs in the home of Justin Trudeau. Why store Digital currency in art? Aside from being cool and interesting, it's actually a very safe way to store bitcoin. The Bitcoin protocol is extremely secure, but if your computer (or phone) gets hacked, your bitcoin can be stolen. For this reason, it's safest to store unused bitcoin offline. This process is called "cold storage." Crypto-art me...